Thursday, February 02, 2012

Day 24 - Definitely Better

No real progress made, but Savageman and I spent most of the day out of the house and in the company of good friends, so I think we both feel better tonight.

He's watching a movie downstairs and I'm up here writing - and preparing to read.

I have Storey's Basic Country Skills: A Practical Guide to Self-Reliance next to me, and I am eager to incorporate said Skills into my novel.  Having thrown it down in 30 days, I didn't take much time to research the things my characters would need to know in order to survive the circumstances I created for them.  That was a task I set aside for January editing.  Which I then put off until February.

But I'm here now, and I'm ready to take the plunge.  Soon.  As I explained to my fellow-writer-friend over coffee this afternoon, as long as I don't read it, I can maintain the fantasy that it's this really awesome, potentially publishable piece of work.  Once I start reading, I run the risk of shattering these illusions - so it's a scary prospect.  She reminded me that it might take at least one full rewrite before I can make an accurate judgement as to its merit, which is certainly an excellent point, especially given that I didn't do the slightest bit of editing while I was writing it. 

So I'm a little more okay tonight about reading it and not being too disappointed if it sucks.

I might take some time to learn how to use Scrivener (my little celebratory gift to myself - half price for NaNoWriMo winners) - before I do any serious rewriting.  Maybe changing software will help me view the story with fresh eyes - and also to procrastinate just a little bit longer.  I  can also use it to record and incorporate my research and keep everything organized.

So tonight, I'm grateful.

For our fantastic friend who took us on a mission to Carlisle today and then bought us lunch

For another fantastic friend with whom I shared tea and coffee and mutual support this afternoon and who sent me home with rug-hooking materials to try

For my childbirth class who seemed to find my insights on counter-cultural birth and parenting choices particularly brilliant tonight

For my Tuesday / Thursday post-martial arts Starbucks friends (including fantastic friend #1 above)

For my Hippie Earthy friend with whom I had a great phone conversation about Trusting the Universe and Manifesting Abundance and Joy during the 20 minutes I was actually home today

For my wonderful parents who made sure schoolwork was being done while we got out today

For Savageman and the Savageboyz just for being who they are

For our wonderful library system

For my laptop, good music, and good writing software

For a warm bed and a full tummy

For a dog and cat who provide us with so much entertainment

For the sore abs which tell me I put in good work in kickboxing this week

For a body that, at 42, is in the best shape of its life

For kayaks and backpacks, ready and waiting for springtime

For a stack of good books to read, including (hopefully) my own


Anonymous said...

And *I'm* grateful for *you*! And your kayak! Not that I'm hinting! Elaine

notlikeacat said...
