Friday, June 24, 2011

Jammin' Once More

I had the pleasure of yet another girls' night in the company of my beautiful singing buddy with the amazing voice and the incredibly awesome taste in music.

And I'm actually writing this the morning after because we stayed up until sunrise, rocking out to all of our favorite music long after our other friends had turned in.

How it feeds my soul to stay up late with a Kindred Spirit, sharing favorite songs and singing and playing guitar. This was actually how I met my husband, staying up all night at the retreat for incoming college freshmen, playing a guitar we had found and jamming to our favorite music. He and I became best friends that night, at the age of seventeen, thanks to that guitar.

There's something about belting out a song together that connects people, cleanses the psyche, lifts the heart. It's cathartic, and today my spirit feels lighter and I want to sing and dance some more.

I'm sure later on today the fatigue will hit me, but for now I'm Good.

Beautiful night. Beautiful people. Beautiful music.

It doesn't get much better than that.

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