Friday, August 28, 2020

Day 1 Without BJJ 2.0

I got an extra 2 hours of sleep, so that was a plus. 

Savageman reluctantly went into the mat room with me this morning and said I could do stuff to him, which isn't really the same as an hour of drilling and rolling. He resisted my efforts to teach him what he should be doing, and he spent most of the time yelling for the pets to come help him.  He didn't take his glasses off, so I was afraid to do most things that I wanted to do in the few minutes that we (kind of) rolled. While he gets credit for being willing to try, that's about where the credit ends. 

I love Savageman dearly, but when he says he's a pacifist and doesn't enjoy fighting, he means it. 

I wound up doing his sport instead - yoga. I opted for a 90 minute Ashtanga Primary Series, though, which is not so much his thing.  It was challenging, and I'm sure I used muscles I've been neglecting, but it wasn't much of a release. I cleaned the mat room and pummeled the standing bag a bit. 

This evening, I took the dog for a brisk walk. 

Other than that, I hung out today and did House Stuff. No work until Monday. Savageman got a COVID test today at his work and has been told that the staff will now be tested weekly, which is reassuring.  Little's bestie, a very skilled jiu-jutiero / judoka, is here this weekend, and I would grab him to train with me, but I'm hesitant to have close contact with anyone outside the family or the Training Pal. When I think about it, though, he's been living here for much of the summer so he's kind of like family. Something to consider.

I am realizing that I spent a good portion of the day trying to think of, or do, something that will replace my morning roll. I really, really don't want to go back to the Dark Place I was in for so many months the last time I had to give it up. I'm trying not to let the hatred for the people in government and their supporters consume me again, but when I think about how badly they've botched the response to the virus and how much it has fucked up our lives, it's hard not to be angry.  I need to continue to focus on gratitude instead. Little only has 6 people in his VoTech class, so that will be fairly safe, and regular testing at Savageman's work will help as well. Maybe I'll even be able to go back in to roll this month. 

For now, I'll be grateful for the extra sleep. 

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