Monday, September 07, 2020

I Am a Runner

 Another takeaway from the motivational books on which I've been nerding is the importance of using identity as a tool for behavior change. The typical example given is when someone is offered a cigarette, there is a difference between saying "I'm trying to quit" vs. "I'm a non-smoker."  Tying your identity to the behavior you're trying to change improves your chances of success. 

This week, I have been making the transition between thinking of myself as a jiu jiterio who is trying to run more, and convincing myself that I am actually a runner. Every mile I put in is a vote for this new identity and evidence that it is true. 

A runner runs. 

So I'm running, because that's what I do now. And I've paired it with something I like, which is binging a show on Hulu, which is only available in the basement, where the treadmill is located. Pairing your target behavior with another behavior you enjoy is a form of stacking - another lesson from Atomic Habits

I have always hated running, but I do realize that it's a useful tool and I can make use of it when I need to. Thinking of myself as a runner is a new thing, but I am getting there - starting with the phrase "I am a runner," which I say to myself more than would seem reasonable.  I have also considered posting a sign that says as much above the treadmill.  

I also have been logging my miles. I'm counting miles that I actually run on the treadmill and miles that I walk the dog outside. I don't run with the dog, but I walk briskly enough that I think it should count. Our typical loop is 1.7 miles.  If I also get in a 1-3 mile run on the treadmill, that has been sufficient to keep my head on straight. 

Over the long weekend, I kept up this level of activity, and also helped clean / declutter the garage and the garden.  These were big jobs, so I got a lot of exercise. Little and his bestie did much of the garage work, but I spent a chunk of Saturday restoring the kayak pulley system in the garage to get those off the ground, and moving the woodpile outside.  I did not do the Onnit workout or any math, but it will be easier to get to these things with my plate cleared of these other projects. 

So it was good. I'll be sore tomorrow after all the weed-pulling, but will be happy to be back at work. We had two pleasant cookouts with my parents, and will enjoy these outdoor weekend dinners for as long as we can, before the weather gets too cold. It remains to be seen how safe it will be for us all to dine indoors together.  

Goal for tomorrow will be 3 miles after work, before I eat. 

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