Thursday, September 03, 2020

One Week Down

 I'm still okay.

I've been running every day, and I plan to add the bodyweight workout as well, perhaps over the 4 day weekend I have coming up. Ditto for a return to math. 

Middle is still at college, and they haven't shut down yet, although he is perpetually cranky and always waiting for the other shoe to drop. He doesn't get enough time in lab, he hasn't been getting the support he needs for his project, he isn't able to lift, and there's nothing fun to look forward to on campus. No football games, no bars, no parties.  It doesn't sound like much fun, but I'm grateful that they are at least trying to stay open so far, while so many schools are already 100% virtual. 

Little started his high school classes today. He only has two, and he only has to go to the high school building one morning per week, with auto tech two afternoons per week. Everything else will be online. I recently read an article that suggested that the shutdown hasn't been as detrimental to kids as expected, and I can see this with Little. He didn't need to be in school all day every day all week long, and I think that much time trapped in that space stressed him out, even when his afternoons were spent at VoTech. I suspect a lot of that time was unnecessary, and he's plenty capable of keeping himself busy, working at the cafe, tinkering with his car, adventuring with his bestie, hanging out with his ex-girlfriend, and socializing with people of all ages at car meets. I think this hybrid school schedule will actually be good for him this fall. 

The Eldest still seems to be faring the best out of the group. Since he moved upstairs to a much bigger apartment, with a cool girl roommate, he has lost about 40 lbs, he quit smoking, and he seems much happier and less anxious. He seems to enjoy doing his job from home, and that is the plan for the foreseeable future. He is still riled up about the political situation, but aren't we all?  At least this time around, we're pretty much on the same team and can bond over our outrage. 

Savageman and I have been hanging out and watching TV as usual in the evenings, which is always a nice way to wind down. He has been buying and selling watches online, which is his new obsession. It's good for him to have a thing, just like I used to have a thing..... I suppose I could still have a thing - there are plenty of instructional videos to nerd over and if the cases don't blow up this fall with the opening of school and the onset of cold and flu season, maybe my pal will want to start rolling again in the mornings. If not, there's always math. 

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