It may be hard to believe based on what I write here, but I actually have a job and a family in addition to my life as a martial artist.
I try not to write much about the family anymore. The boys are almost 20, 17 and 13. It's one thing to be a "Mommyblogger" when you have little kids, but once they are old enough to read what's being written about them, there are privacy issues to consider. Their lives are their own, not an extension of mine.
I also have a job, and I don't write about that much either, again due to privacy issues. The people I test don't consent to being blogged about, even if I don't name names. So for the most part, the daily details of work have been off-limits as well.

There are days that I really do appreciate my job, however, and today was one of them. I work in a neuropsychology office, administering and scoring IQ, academic, and neuropsychological tests. The patients I see are typically kids / teens / young adults, although I do also see older adults on occasion. These patients are referred to our office for a variety of issues: learning problems, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, head injuries, memory problems, dementia - you get the idea. I spend about 4 hours with a patient, collecting as much data as I can with regard to memory, executive functioning, processing speed, IQ, etc., score and compile it all into a report and hand it off to the neuropsychologist,who then does his thing with it.

It's actually the perfect job for me. I generally work three days per week (leaving the other two for morning teaching / training), and I am usually wrapping up by 1:00 or so, which leaves time to run an errand or go home and regroup before the kids get home from school. It's nice to be using my (rather expensive) psychobiology degree. Even though I was trained as a researcher, not a clinician, the job itself requires more research skills than clinical skills anyway. I'm not there to listen and and converse with people about their issues; I'm there to collect data. Staying detached and objective is what I do best. And when I finish with a patient, I'm finished. There's no taking work home, no need to build relationships or follow up after the fact. I collect data, crunch numbers, file a report.
The fact that I give the same tests all of the time makes the day boring at times - but the fact that I give these tests to a different person every time makes up for it. Looking for interesting patterns, making behavioral observations, analyzing it all and sharing my conclusions gives the job an added dimension of challenge that keeps me engaged and excited about the work.
Grateful to be working so much this month, at a job so very suited for my lifestyle and temperament.
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