I know you keep saying how blessed you feel to have such good friends, but in reality, we are the ones who are blessed to have you.
So, in honor of you on your birthday, here is my own Top 10 list of reasons why you are the most awesome friend in the world.
1) You keep me laughing no matter what.
2) You are a caring and attentive listener.
3) You are wise beyond your years and can always cut through the bullcrap to get at the heart of the matter.
4) You're not afraid to tell it how it is.
5) You love the animals and the children and you fiercely advocate for both.
6) You put your money where your mouth is.
7) You accept people for who they are.
8) You have the best book recommendations.
9) You have a gift for bringing people together.
10) You are easygoing, free-spirited and fun, and a joy to spend time with.
I'm sure I'm speaking for many more people when I say how much we love you. You have touched so many lives and the world is truly a better place because of you, and I know that I am a better person for having had you as a friend for these last 12 years.
Have a wonderful birthday! XO
Kathy pretty much nailed it but just wanted to add how much we love your "colorful" way of expressing yourself and how we all probably wish we could ride in your car for 10 minutes somedays!!
Not to be out done-
I will be writing my own sonnet dedicated to your fabulous self titled...
Ode to Christine
I will be doing this shortly, maybe this afternoon, possibly tomorrow, definitely by Friday!
This procrastination is dedicated to you as well:)
You know how I feel about you!
Big smooches and bigger love in your direction today and everyday,
I want to see the ode!
1. You have great hair.
2. You manage to be easygoing and still maintain your convictions-- not as easy as you make it look!
I would also like the opportunity for one of those legendary 10 minute car rides!!!
Have a happy happy day!
I agree with all that Kathy said. Especially about bringing people together. You were the one that introduced me to all the fabulous book club women when I first moved here.
Sorry I missed your birthday - we must catch up soooon!!! Hope it was great!
Christine, you were with me during some rough times and some very very good times! When I had my son, you were my 'life line'. You would have a cup of coffee with me over the phone daily for over a year as I dealt with all that life could bring. You were also the first person to watch Gabe as I attended a birth. You were the one whom I went to when my health was failing, the one I went to when my marriage was tough, the one who taught me about all things mothering.
I knew then, as I do now, that to have you as a friend is a treasure, for you are loyal, loving, supportive, funny, passionate and a damn good time!
I love you, Christine. Now, forever and always...
I'm very humbled you guys! I love you all more than you know! XXOOXXOO
PS you can ride in the car with me for 10 minutes anytime! :)
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