Saturday, September 14, 2019


Savageman and I went out on an actual date last night, to a comedy night in Harrisburg where one of my teammates was performing. We also stopped to see our Eldest, who works the door and books the shows for live music events at another Harrisburg location. A wild night indeed, for people who typically end their work week on the couch watching TV with the dog.

Several other teammates and their spouses came out to see our comedy friend. It's always a treat to see each other outside of the gym, dressed in normal clothes, with spouses and significant others, doing something other than trying to kill each other for a change.  And it's nice for Savageman to get to know my friends and vice-versa in person.

It occurred to me that the diversity of our training group makes for some interesting outings.  In addition to the comedy show, we've seen our Sixam Coach play stand up bass at several local establishments, and have come out to see another teammate's art on display at restaurants and shows. There have been community events like fundraising walks and outreach events we've attended as a group, Halloween and pool parties, game nights, birthday dinners out, and, of course tournaments, where people will travel to coach and support a teammate even if they themselves are not competing.

It's a real sense of community that I think many adults struggle to find in their daily lives.  Some are fortunate to have co-workers, childhood pals, neighbors, friends from church or other organizations to get together with regularly, but many struggle to find such meaningful connections with others, and this is one of the things I love best about the martial arts community. The shared experience of struggling and striving together, challenging ourselves and each other to improve, the Facebook shares and inside jokes, and the diversity of gender, ethnicity, ages, education, careers and life experiences we represent make for a rich tapestry of social experience that fills this need to care for and connect with others.

It was good getting out last night, and good to have interesting things to talk about with Savageman this morning.  What makes a comedian funny / not funny, what is okay / offensive and why, what kind of bravery / pathology gives people the desire to put themselves out there week after week, traveling to different venues and experimenting with different material, not knowing if it will succeed or bomb.  As someone who has traveled several hours to BJJ tournaments for (hopefully) a few 6 minute matches, only to go home empty-handed, I identified with the compulsion to do something others might see as a little bit crazy.  Exposure to different experiences and perspectives makes for much more stimulating conversation than what shopping or house projects need to be done this weekend, or what we're going to binge on TV tonight.

As we get older and prepare to prepare for the empty nest years ahead, it's good to have this wide and welcoming community of different people and perspectives to draw upon. It promises to keep my mind open and sharp, and to provide enrichment both on and off the mat.  And I'm glad Savageman is willing to be part of the community as well, even though he doesn't roll.



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