Sunday, September 15, 2019

Writing BJJ

I spent about an hour yesterday on a video conference with the BJJ blue belt from Rio who has been recruiting writers for the new magazine he and his coach are starting. The goal is a 24-page online publication every month and it appears I will be a regular contributor to this effort. Needless to say, I'm very excited.

This month, I'm expanding on stuff I've already blogged about. Next month's goals will be more challenging.  These articles will require research and probably interviews, and will therefore be farther outside my comfort zone. But as I keep saying, getting out of my comfort zone is the point of doing the thing, so there it is.

I told a select handful of people, and got some nice feedback. My Sixam Coach is an artist and a musician, and seemed to understand best the drive to create for its own sake.  We always have good conversations, and he and the Other Sixam Coach delve into the deeper issues of BJJ training in their weekly podcast, so I'm sure the two of them will be a source of much inspiration.  I'm doing my best so far to be somewhat nonchalant and not obnoxiously enthusiastic about my new project with everyone else.

As for the rest of the weekend, I spent a chunk of it outdoors.  This is my favorite time of year, and my favorite weather, so it was nice to hike with Savageman and the dog, and spend some time in the creek with the dog today.

Tomorrow, I'm back to work and will plan for some time researching and writing.

Writing about stuff I love, for an audience of people who love it as well.

I can't fully express how much this pleases me.

Image may contain: dog, outdoor, nature and water

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