Thursday, December 16, 2010

United in Nerddom

Middle and the Teen are having a rare moment of brotherly love and bonding.

They're crashed out in the wreckage that was once our living room watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail together.

It came from Netflix today. I figured it would be a welcome diversion from Little's lessons on the Middle Ages, which is where we're at in his history curriculum. But when Middle and the Teen opened the envelope and found it there, they uncovered the TV, propped it up on the kiddie table, hooked up the DVD player, and created their own little home theater.

I've never heard the two of them laugh so hard - or get along so well - for this extended period of time together. It's like they're actually enjoying being in the same room together.

Never have I met two kids as different as these guys - but somehow they're both nerdy enough to know all the good quotes from this movie, and they're laughing and reciting them as they watch.

Hey, whatever. I'll take it.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Python & Holy Grail are a favorite here, too, Kathy! Glad I found your blog! ....Ben (of Carla)