Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Birthday Weekend

I'm back!

Upset that I broke my daily blogging streak, but hey, it was my Birthday Weekend. And it was busy.

Saturday was spent shopping, cooking, more decluttering, and Book Club - hosted here at my house. I think we had a record turnout - 9 people - and we probably drank a record amount of wine - or at least I did. We had a great time, but that leads me to...

Sunday. Which was spent lying on the couch nibbling crackers, sipping seltzer, hoping my head didn't split open, because it felt like it was going to. A teachable moment for the Teen. Don't drink loads of alcohol. It's Just. Not. Worth it.

I managed to recover in time for a lovely birthday dinner prepared by my father, and cake baked by my mother and youngest son. Savageman didn't get back in time for dinner, but he did arrive before I was asleep. Nice having him home again.

And I got a Nook! Which is an e-reader, much like a Kindle, for those of you who are wondering what the heck a Nook is. It's very cool, and I'm very much enjoying being able to read in bed without having to prop open a book with my hand - especially since I've had the Elbow Issue (which I prefer to think of as a Cool Athlete Injury rather than an I'm Getting Old Injury.) In any case, I love my new toy.

Yesterday was my birthday, and I spent it hiking with the boys, resuming martial arts after a 2 week break, and hanging out with good friends until bedtime. Between that, and the oodles of Facebook birthday wishes I received, I was a happy camper. Feeling very blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

Today we were Back To Business. Morning martial arts, lots of schoolwork, and afternoon martial arts. And I bought a tennis elbow cuff which will hopefully aleviate some of the elbow / arm pain. Quitting is not an option - it felt so good to be back.

Time to relax, put my feet up, ice my arm and play with my new toy...


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