I post about the good things, the happy things, the stuff on which I would like to keep my focus.
The trials and tribulations of raising these boys, particularly the special-needs Teen, are not so much fun to read - or write - about.
So I generally don't.
But for the last 36 hours, I've been immersed in Teen angst, and there's really not much else for me to write about tonight.
I'm not a martyr, I'm not a whiner. Life is tough. That's just reality. We play the hand we're dealt, and it is ultimately each person's choice to go through life either as a Tigger or an Eeyore. (Yes, we just finished listening to The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch on CD on the trip to NC.)
Tempting as the pull toward Eeorishness can be at times like this, I have made the decision to make the best of my life and be happy - to be the best Tigger I can be - and that is part of why I have started the daily blogging habit. It gives me a chance each day to focus on what is going well, what I'm doing to take care of myself and my family, what I'm working toward and looking forward to.
Ending the day - no matter how hard a day it was - on a positive note is a valuable tool for me. I will now set aside the Crisis Of The Week and focus on some of the things I'm looking forward to over the course of the next month or so:
preparing for our school year, hiking and camping, reading and relaxing at the pool, cooking with Little (lots of local food right now), weeding my garden and planting some fall crops, kickboxing and karate with Middle, testing for my green belt, running, taking the Girl Scouts to Assateague Island, the start of the THS Soccer season and fall baseball, Book Club, sewing / quilting, more late night guitar jams under the stars (had a great one Friday night), planning a trip with friends, watching movies with Savageman, reading together in bed...
Speaking of which... (yawn)

"Tiggers don't like excessive teen angst."
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