Saturday, July 09, 2011

Wiped. Out.

Long day of travel prep and travel after long night of not enough sleep.

So I'm tired and grouchy and I feel bad because the 'rents were wonderful as always, renting us this nice house and taking the younger Savages in the car all day and I'm having a hard time being cheerful.

I wish the rest of the family loved camping as much as I do. It's cheap, there are good places close by, there's always plenty to do and there are no TVs or electronics for the kids to fight over. I love cooking over a campfire, listening to the crickets at night and the birds in the morning, hiking and exploring and relaxing and reading or playing guitar.

I shouldn't complain - I have several friends who want to plan some camping trips, and several Girl Scout trips I've signed on for, so it's not like I'm not going to get to go. But it's not the same as a family vacation.

Sigh... off to bed. I'm sure I'll feel better after a full night's sleep.

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