Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 78: Black Belt Attitudes and Skills for Success

Good reminders for both in and out of the dojang, for black belts and color belts alike.

1) Success Skill - Visualization:
Winning black belts learn to practice, mentally rehearse, and visualize the successful outcome of activities.  The mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is vividly imaged.  They learn to pre-play and re-play performance to anchor success and eliminate failure.  Winning black belts learn to control their physical and mental state and create an ability to maintain relaxed alertness and to maximize their flexibility and ability to respond quickly and appropriately.

2) Success Attitude - Positive Self-Expectancy & Goals Attainment:
Winning black belts learn to have an overall attitude of personal optimism and enthusiasm.  Winners understand that life is a self-fulfilling prophecy - a person usually gets what he or she actively expects over the long run.  Winners have HIGH EXPECTATIONS of themselves and work to achieve those outcomes.

3) Success Skill - Positive Self-Talk:
Winning black belts learn to control their "inner dialogue." They create a supportive conversation with themselves that supports their goals and their energies.

4) Success Attitude - Positive Respect:
Winning black belts have the ability to be happy and to function in the world, while showing appropriate conduct and good manners.  Respect represents a sincere appreciation of values and the rights of other people.  They respect themselves, and avoid habits and behaviors that are unhealthy or destructive.

5) Success Skill - Total Self-Confidence:
Winning black belts have the ability to accomplish anything they are willing to work to achieve.  They are not intimidated by the negative reactions of others - nor do they get mired in mediocrity.  They rise above the crowd to achieve great heights.

6) Success Attitude - Unshakable Character & Personal Honesty:
Winning black belts know who they are and where they are going.  They affect their environment rather than letting their environment affect them.  They make decisions based upon their own moral compass, not based upon the tides and whims of those around them.  Events don't alter their understanding of right and wrong or of truth and falseness.  Winning black belts understand that honesty is more than simply avoiding lies.  It includes a belief in the pursuit of truth.  In order to have healthy relationships with other people, honesty must be present.  Winning black belts take responsibility for their own actions.

7) Success Skill - No Excuses:
Winning black belts accept 100% responsibility for the outcomes in their own lives.  Winners take credit or blame for their own performance. They never "externalize" their failures, but take responsibility for their own performance and results.

8) Success Attitude - Positive Self-Motivation with Definite Commitment:
Winning black belts dwell on the rewards of success, not on the penalties of failure.  We always move in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts.  Positive self-motivation arrives through visualizing your desires while limiting fears.  Motivation also comes from focusing on the long-term results desired, not the daily disappointments and struggles.  "Whatever you can do, or dream you can... begin it. Boldness has Genius, Power, and Magic in it."  Do or do not; there is no try... Winners commit to their dreams and then work diligently and tirelessly to achieve them.

- Stephen Oliver, Mile High Karate

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