Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 50: First Day Back

I got back in to karate tonight, after seven days of rest and rehab.

This time the injury in question was, most likely, iliopsoas bursitis. Which would make sense, given what I've been doing to prepare for my upcoming green stripe test next weekend.

It made doing burpees kinda difficult.  Ditto for jumping that darn stick, or doing crunches or leg lifts, or pretty much any kind of kick.

Also getting out of a chair.

So instead of going to martial arts classes, I've been resting, icing, and Advil-ing it into submission this last week.  Mornings at the gym have consisted of heat, stretching, walking, running, stretching, leg press, stretching.  Followed by more ice and Advil.

Although I've still been running, it amazed me how a week without karate had affected my outlook.  Today was the day I had set as my goal to be back at class.  When it came time to go, I really didn't want to.  I was feeling cranky and antisocial.  I didn't want to exercise; didn't want to see anyone.

I went anyway, of course.  Class wasn't too hard - we had a good warm-up and then we worked on forms.  Strenuous, but not injury-aggravating.  Kickboxing was another story.  The burpees alone were crazy - I counted and we did (I kid you not) 115.  Interspersed with hundreds of crunches and leg lifts, and of course, kicking with our partners. 

Happy to report that the hip is fine. 

Happier still at my mental and emotional shift.  Calm, centered, cheerful. Feeling strong.  After a few minutes at home and then a LAX meeting at school, I met up with everyone for our Tuesday hang-out time and felt like my normal self again.  Which is good, because I really don't like CrankyMe very much.

Grateful tonight for the karate school and my karate friends - both are so, so good for me and are key to keeping me happy and healthy. 

Grateful also for my body's wisdom and the healing that took place this week. 

Grateful for the lingering euphoria of a strenuous workout.

Grateful for a hot bath with a good book and a glass of wine - which is where I'm headed.


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